miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

Create Your Payment Account Here

Update from my account Alertpay

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5 comentarios:

Tomppa dijo...

I was just wondering why are u lying about site ages and payouts and stuff? I think lying will just scare all the potential referrals away.

Josimar Chire dijo...

k tal
me gustaria sabes si estas en algunas ptc's españolas o francesas, claro que pagan....



Work at Home Online Jobs dijo...

hi looks like we share the same interests. care for a link exchange? here's mine... LIST OF GET PAID TO CLICK SITES - http://pinoydeal11.blogspot.com/2008/07/list-of-paid-to-click-ptc-sites.html

thanks and good luck in your online earnings!

TheClixWorld dijo...

Hi Gabri,
Oh finally i found ur blog. Looks nice and great. Hmm and i started new forum called www.gptzone.com. Hope u wil like that. And i wan to see u there.

Unknown dijo...

this is san95 from ptc talk
nice blog fro a nice cool cute girl
happy earning!
love and kiss